Who's Doing The Trotting Now?
"Who are you and what are you doing there?" I could almost hear the question just by the way the horse was looking at me with an inquisitive expression as I stood by the fence with my camera.
I saw this pair as I was driving by and just had to do a quick turnaround to try and get a picture. I was snapping furiously as they were trotting toward this spot and I could see that the horse was being distracted by me. I also saw that the man was none too pleased that the training was being disrupted so I did a bit of my own trotting.... right back to the car.
Although I do know that horses like, and need, to get out and walk, trot, run or gallop I was initially thinking it seemed a bit harsh out there in such heavy weather. It was only when I saw them much closer I realized the horse actually seemed to be having a jolly good time whereas the driver looked as if he was practically perishing from the cold. His sunglasses and mustache were crusted with snow and he was the one who looked as if he needed a warm stall.